Author: Valery Velkovski
Author: Никола Цайкин
1. Road infrastructure in agricultural areas – condition and problems
Author: Valeri Velkovski
2. Specific functions of moveable objects on agricultural territories in the context of sustainable development and national security
Author: Gena Velkovska
3. Empirical dimensions of family livestock farms in Bulgaria
Author: Todorka Atanassova-Kalaydzhieva
4. The role of cooperatives in dealing with socio-economic challenges and crises
Author: Tsvetelina Marinova
5. Regional cooperative models for enterpreneurship in the agricultural sector
Author: Teodorina Turlakova, Selina Skandalova
6. Conservation agriculture as a process innovation for adaptation of agricultural cooperatives to changes in the environment
Author: Radka P. Ivanova, Radmil Nikolov
7. Profitability – costs relationship in the livestock sector
Author: Evgeni Genchev, Nadezhda Petrova
8. Tourism in the context of restaurants and hotels – a sustainable sector for development and competitiveness in rural areas of South Central Region
Author: Peter Marinov, Daniela Tsvyatkova
9. Cooperative culture and cooperative governance structure of agricultural cooperatives
Author: Ivan Boevsky, Krasimir Kostenarov