Author: Denka Kostova
Author: Никола Цайкин
28. Competitive interactions between the weed species Amaranthus retroflexus L. and cotton
Author: Dimitar Stoychev, Maya Dimitrova, Dochka Dimova
29. Air pollutants and yields of the main agricultural crops in Stara Zagora Region, Bulgaria
Author: Nikolay Takuchev
30. Comparative investigation of flat spray nozzles Teejet and Lechler concerning boom sprayer distribution uniformity
Author: Angel Trifonov, Dimitar Ziapkov
31. The analysis of technological rehabilitation solutions for the irrigation water supply pumping station Mircea Vodä, from Dobroudja
Author: Anca Constantin, Marian Dordescu, Gheorghe Iordache, Madalina Stanescu, Lucica Rosu, Valeriu Cusnerenco
32. Some aspects of energy analysis of the dripper characteristics
Author: Dimitar Kirilov Georgiev
33. Looped networks use in drip irrigation systems
Author: Petar Filkov
34. GIS appllcation in study of nematodes from virus vector family Longidoridae in vineyards in South-West Bulgaria
Author: Zhulieta Arnaudova, Tatyana Bileva
35. Soil chip thickness of a vertlcal rotary aktive drive soil tillage unit
Author: Dimitar Guglev, Maria Vassileva
36. Development of sugar beet in dependance of agrometeorological conditions and irrigation regime
Author: Zorka Chervenkova, Kalinka Kouzmova, Georius Gotsis