Author: Petаr Marinov
Author: Никола Цайкин
37. Soil acidity – specific quality or ameliorative disadvantage of the vineyard terroir
Author: Krasimir Trendafilov, Violeta Valcheva
38. Chemical and instrumental methods for determination of the organic matter component of the soils
Author: R. Ilieva, E. Filcheva, I. Iliev, M. Todorova, R. Popova, V. Valcheva, M. Almaliev, K. Trendafilov
39. Processes of soil degradation in Bulgaria
Author: Ivan Atanasov, Rada Popova
40. Research of terrains with complicated topology for the establishment of a vineyard terroir
Author: Krasimir Trendafilov
41. Research on the suitability of erosion terrains for the creation of orchards
Author: Violeta Valcheva, Mladen Almaliev, Krasimir Trendafilov
42. Soil-climatic assessment of the suitability of the lands for the growth of strawberries, raspberries and blackberries in the area of the town of Gotse Delchev
Author: Violeta Valcheva
43. Research of the soil-climatic features for the growth of cherry-trees on the lands of the town of Aytos
Author: Mladen Almaliev
44. Soil characteristics of the experimental field belonging to the Fruit-Growing Department (Agricultural University – Plovdiv), located in the area of the village of Brestnik
Author: Rada Popova, Galya Dobrevska, Hristo Dzhugalov, Pantaley Kaymakanov, Hristo Paralinov
45. SPA tourism in Bulgaria – origin and development
Author: Slavena Dimitrova, Ivanka Lulcheva