Author: Tanya Georgieva
Author: Никола Цайкин
7. Establishment of rights on agricultural lands
Author: Valeri Yordanov Velkovski
8. The development policy in the agricultural sector
Author: Valeri Yordanov Velkovski, Gena Tsvetkova Velkovska
9. Evaluation of а project for building a house for rural tourism
Author: Elka Genova, Ivan Penov
10. Dynamic of the processing and trade with Bulgarian apiculture products
Author: Georgi Aleksiev
11. Sustainable development and the role of business
Author: Valeria Sharkova
12. Family farm and income support policies
Author: Elena Zapryanova, Ivan Penov
13. Development of mechanized and automated admission of local taxes and fees in Bulgaria
Author: Nikolay Katrandzhiev
14. Opportunities for fiscal stimulation of the family business in tourism in crisis
Author: Nikolay Katrandzhiev, Snezhinka Konstantinova
15. Identification of sources of tolerance to salinity stress in peas (Pisum sativum L.)
Author: Slavka Kalapchieva, Stanislava Grozeva, Ivanka Tringovska