Author: Georgi Aleksiev
12. Opportunities for the cooperation of Bulgarian apiculture producers
Author: Georgi Aleksiev
12. Wine tourism – cluster perspectives
Author: Gergana Dimitrova
2. Dinamics of direct sales of Bulgarian natural honey and their impact on the sectors’ development
Author: Georgi Aleksiev
10. Dynamic of the processing and trade with Bulgarian apiculture products
Author: Georgi Aleksiev
3. Investment activity of agricultural holdings in Bulgaria in the conditions of the common agricultural policy of the European union
Author: Tihomira Radeva
5. Preferences of the VAT reduced rate for the tourist services in Bulgaria
Author: Nadezhda Blagoeva
20. Main factors and tendencies analysis for competitiveness increasing of the vegetable production
Author: Georgi Toskov
9. Problems of competitiveness of the livestock industryin the Republic of Kazakhstan
Author: Maira Sh. Bauer, Saule Okutaeva
2. Local consumption and processing of Bulgarian organic products
Author: Georgi Aleksiev, Nadka Kostadinova