Author: Аlexander Матеv, Radost Petrova
Author: Никола Цайкин
33. Irrigation of soybeans as a factor for obtaining high yields in the region of Sofia
Author: Zhivko Zhivkov, Alexander Matev
34. Effect of some herbicides on the chemical composition of seeds of winter and spring peas varieties
Author: Svetlin Ivanov, Siyka Angelova, Maya Dimitrova
35. Influence of the Immunocitofit growth regulator on the development and productivity of oil rapeseed
Author: Radka Ivanova
36. Yield of gross energy and amino acids from rapeseed (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera) pomace and meal grown under the agricultural and ecological conditions of the Plovdiv region
Author: Radka Ivanova, Zhivko Todorov, Dimo Penkov
37. Species copmosition and dеnsity of the weeds in oriental tobacco fields in the Kardjali region
Author: Shteliyana Kalinova
38. Survey of the consequential damage of weeds as disease and pest hosts of crop plants
Author: Shteliyana Kalinova, Ivan Zhalnov, Georgi Dochev
39. Influence of different densities of Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers) on the yield of middle early and late varieties of potatoes
Author: Angel Hristoskov, Shteliyana Kalinova
40. The design of the rural tourism product as a factor assisting the achievement of economic efficiency
Author: Ivan Kilimperov
41. Comparative testing of mid-early maize hybrids, cultivated for grain under non-irrigation in Central North Bulgaria
Author: Iliyan Zhelyazkov