Author: Dragica Spasova, Sasa Mitrev, Dusan Spasov, Biljana Atanasova, Tonya Georgieva, Milan Georgievski
Author: Никола Цайкин
6. Socio-economic problems of the South-Central region
Author: Stela Todorova
7. Main views and highlights in the development of regional development policy
Author: Stela Todorova
8. Stages in the European regional policy and its effect on Bulgaria
Author: Stela Todorova
9. Problems of competitiveness of the livestock industryin the Republic of Kazakhstan
Author: Maira Sh. Bauer, Saule Okutaeva
10. Socio-economic assessment of human capital management in the economic agrarian sector in Kazakhstan
Author: Zhanna S. Bulkhairova
11. Influence of some herbicides on soil microflora
Author: Jordanka Kartalska, Shteliyana Kalinova, Krasimira Sapundjieva, Angel Hristoskov
12. Biological efficacy of some leaf herbicides against economically important weeds in field experiments with wheat
Author: Аnyo Mitkov
13. Changes in the administrative affiliation, number and status of the settlements in Bulgaria from 01.01.2011 till 31.03.2014
Author: Pelo Mihaylov
14. Agricultural policy in the context of the development of agricultural tourism in Bulgaria
Author: Ivan Kilimperov