Author: Ivan Penov
Author: Никола Цайкин
17. Impact of policies on the fruit production sector – achievements and lessons for the next programming period
Author: Vanya Manolova, Ivan Penov
18. Neo-institutional efficiency
Author: Minko Georgiev
19. Regional dimensions of bulgarian viticulture
Author: Aleksi Aleksiev, Aneta Roycheva
20. The role of bottom–up approaches for the social capital development in the rural areas of Bulgaria
Author: Mariyana Shishkova
21. Assessment of the state and opportunities for development of the organic products market in Bulgaria
Author: Valentina Agapieva
22. Guidelines for regional development in bulgarian agglomeration areas
Author: Kamen Petrov
23. Local self-government and decentralisation in Bulgaria – state and tendencies
Author: Keranka Nedeva
24. Typologization of resorts villages in Bulgaria according to their demographic situation
Author: Pelo Mihaylov, Ivan Kilimperov
25. Global demographic and socio economic changes as a challange to bulgarian tourism industry
Author: Stefan Videv