Author: Maya Popova
Author: Никола Цайкин
29. Effect of Pb and Zn on the reproductive traits of mulberry silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)
Author: Tsvetelina Nikolova, Krasimira Avramova, Dimitar Grekov,
Krasimira Malinova
30. Study on the growth rates of weaned lambs of the White Maritsa sheep breed
Author: Ivan Stoichev, Atanas Vuchkov, Doytcho Dimov
31. Analysis of the farming systems for rearing of the local Kalofer Longhaired goats
Author: Atanas Vuchkov
32. Animal welfare – policy and problems
Author: Rumiana Ivanova
1. GIS spatial analysis for optimizing aggregate composition in surface tilling
Author: Diana Gardeva, Julieta Arnaudova
2. Pests on ornamental trees and shrubs in urban environement
Author: Stiljana Djuleva, Atanaska Stoeva
3. Plant parasitic nematodes associated with ornamental plants
Author: Iliyana Ganeva, Melika Mohamedova
4. Determining genetic variability in traditional and newly created genotypes with the help of DNA markers
Author: Mihail Angelov, Bojin Bojinov
5. Study of the sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cultivar biggareau burlat grafted on tree interstocks
Author: Valentina Ivanova, Valentin Lichev