Author: Ivanka Shopova, Krasimir Levkov, Zlatka Grigorova
Issue 1
32. Rebranding of tourism destinations by means of festival tourism
Author: Lyubka Ilieva
33. Aspects of accessible tourism environment for people with disabilities
Author: Malina Shiblova
34. Problems of the tourism labour market in the region of Bourgas
Author: Milen Velev, Elena Klateva
35. The city of Varna as a destination for development of MICE tourism
Author: Snezhinka Kadieva, Krassimira Yancheva
36. The EU structural funds – a prerequisite for rural and sustainable tourism development
Author: Andreana Andreeva
37. Creating experiences in sports and entertainment tourism
Author: Ventsislava Ivanova
38. Role of air transportation in tourism destination development
Author: Verzhiniya Lazarova
39. Role of festival tourism for developing loyalty towards the tourist destination
Author: Veronika Denizova
40. Internet of things as a means for higher tourist satisfaction and expenses regulation in rural tourism
Author: Vladimir Karafizov