Author: Hristijan Uzunov, Petar Georgiev, Nikolay Minev
Author: Никола Цайкин
7. Geodemographic characteristics of the sexual and age structure in the region of Lovech over the 2011/2013 period
Author: Desislav Petrov, Petar Marinov
8. Analysis of the natural growth of the population in the South-Central Region for the 2008/2013 period
Author: Peter Marinov
9. Competitiveness as a factor for the sustainable development of Bulgarian agriculture
Author: Nadezhda Petrova, Georgi Aleksiev, Rumen Otuzbirov, Nadka Kostadinova
10. Challenges to the European market orientation of the bulgarian agricultural production
Author: Iskra Nencheva-Ivanova, Todorka Atanasova-Kalaydzieva, Konstantin Stankov
11. A methodical approach for distribution of the coupled support among vulnerable sectors in agriculture
Author: Dimitre Nikolov, Minka Anastassova-Chopeva, Nina Koteva, Plamena Yovchevska, Mimoza Mladenova, Petar Kirovski
12. Development of competences for effective implementation of the activities in the public employment services
Author: Venelin Terziev, Ekaterina Arabska
13. Improvement of the effectiveness of work in public employment services through introductory and development trainings
Author: Venelin Terziev, Ekaterina Arabska
14. The social programme as a strategic framework in social development
Author: Evgeniy Stoyanov, Venelin Terziev
15. Social programming – a basis for regulation of the social development
Author: Evgeniy Stoyanov, Venelin Terziev